Townhead Church

141 Main Street, Newmilns, KA16 9DJ - Email:

Who are we? What do we do? Why do we do it?

Welcome to the Townhead Church website.
As part of the community of Newmilns for over 100 years, the Christians who meet in Townhead Church are keen to reach out to those who live around us, to share the good news from the Bible by preaching, teaching and living lives that show the love of Jesus.

We have a variety of activities throughout the week starting on Sundays when we meet at 10am for our weekly Communion service. After a coffee break we have our Family service at 11.30am which includes a time for children at the Good News Club. From 4pm to 5pm we meet for Bible study and teaching.

On Tuesday evenings we have our Housegroups at 7.30pm.

On Thursday night we meet for prayer at 7.30pm. Other occasional events include: Quiz and Curry nights, Car Treasure Hunts, Fireworks, Gala Day Events, Ceilidhs. The annual summer camp is a highlight for the young people.

Our Practice and Beliefs

As there are many ideas about what Christians believe, we have included this short guide to our practices and beliefs, as the foundation for all that we do.

  • We believe that God has revealed Himself to humanity through the whole of what is written in the Bible, and that this revelation is without error and can be relied upon1.
  • God has revealed Himself as one God2, in three persons Father3, Son4, and Holy Spirit5.
  • All humanity, though created in the image of God6 and for His pleasure7, became hopelessly separated from Him through deliberate sin8.
  • God's Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, though perfectly human9, was sinlessly perfect10. He was born to Mary, a virgin11.
  • Jesus lived a life of service, teaching and healing12.
  • Jesus willingly suffered a death that was a substitute for the death that fallen humanity deserved13. After His death He was physically resurrected, and then was taken up into heaven14. The blood that He shed made a relationship possible between God and people15.
  • Our salvation cannot be achieved by any anything we do-it's an undeserved gift to all who have faith in Christ16.
  • We believe in the reality of heaven and hell17 and the Bible is clear that only those who trust in Christ are assured of a place in heaven18.
  • We believe that those who have put their faith in Christ for salvation should endeavour to follow him in their lives19, and should make public declaration of this through believer's baptism20.
  • In our practice we seek simply to follow the New Testament pattern of worship, including meeting on the first day of every week for communion21.
  • Our Church is led by a group of elders who are responsible to God for overseeing all aspects of church life22.

Bible References

1 2nd Timothy 3:16,17 | 2,3,4 John 17 | 5 John 14: 9-27 | 6,7 Genesis 1:26-318 Romans 3:23 | 9 Philippians 2:5-8 | 10,13 1st Peter 2:22-25 | 11 Luke 1:26-38 | 12 Matthew 4:23 | 14 1st Corinthians 15:3-8 | 15 Hebrews 10:11-22 | 16 Ephesians 2:8-9 | 17 2nd Peter 2:4-12 | 18 John 14: 1-4 | 19 Philippians 2:12-16 | 20,21 Acts 2:41-47 | 22 1st Peter 5:1-6

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Weekly Events

Sunday Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday
House Groups
Prayer Meeting
Family Service
Bible Focus

Service Catchup